In this digital era, most customers are already over halfway through the buying process before speaking to a sales representative. They may have formed an opinion about a product or service, calculated price points and are looking for reviews by others to help finalize a decision. At this point in the process, how can a sales professional reach out to a customer who may have already made up their mind? You need to target and engage your customer before they get swept up from the competition by harnessing the power of social and mobile insights.
Many of today’s consumers take the time to research products and read reviews—and already have a strong idea about what products or services they want—before reaching out to a supplier. This proactive behavior doesn’t leave much room for sales professionals to focus on the selling part of the process.
Sales teams need to get ahead of the game by taking advantage of modern technology, such as an innovative customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Microsoft Dynamics CRM, strengthens your sales team by providing the opportunity to tap into social networks and gain visibility into what drives customers toward a product or company. Armed with this insight, your sales team will be able to identify ways to engage customers online and drive more sales.
Target and Engage Customers Online with Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Just as customers are able to use social networks to learn about your company and products, you can use these same networks to learn about your customers. Microsoft Dynamics CRM seamlessly integrates with popular social sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, and you can learn about what is being said about your company, products and competitors. Your sales team may discover, for example, that a customer is unsatisfied with a product or competitor. Communicate through these sites, send an email, or converse with customers using Yammer or Skype to provide more information about a product or how your company will satisfy the customer’s needs.
Responding quickly to customer questions or comments, at any time and from any location, is the epitome of superior customer service in today’s digitally-focused marketplace. Although many consumers make up their minds before reaching out to a supplier, sales professionals can get ahead of the process by targeting and engaging customers online.
Contact PrenticeWorx for more information about using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to become a part of the customer’s decision-making process, improving both sales and customer satisfaction.